
Life goes on.

One of things I love most about my neighborhood is the open space and the farming.  Drive a minute and see the cotton grow during the fall.  Little tiny puff balls of almost white proudly perched atop what looks like brambles.  Drive a minute during the summer and see the bright green corn stalks taller than I am.  Drive south a minute and come to the dark green field studded with orange pumpkins.  And in between?  When the frost stops the fences go up and the lambs come.  It springs up overnight.  I never see it coming but then one day, there they are.  Mama sheep and the lambs, soon to be mamas lumbering around and the grass once higher than proper, all nibbled neatly down to nothing.  And behind my ever so humble abode?  The rancher whom I've never met, but always admires allows his goats to roam freely for the first time all year.  And I love to walk the dog and greet them... watch them jump back and forth over the small irrigation canal like it's the best game ever; most with their swollen bellies and babies in waiting, and hear their low "neeeh" while they approach the fence to nuzzle my hand and see if I might have anything special for them.  And I just might.

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