

Finishing a good book is like a divorce, albiet an amicable one. Finishing writing one is exactly the same. Once it's over there is just no going back. You just have to jump head first back into the dating pool. Oh you could go back, do the friends with benefits same old sad song thing again, but why? You already know what each brings to the party and somehow I find that I'm wanting something new and exciting, fresh and invigorating... not the comfortable old slippers that I've always had.

But there is one thing, as old lovers always leave behind some small token of their affection for one another, collections of words do the same for me. I'll always feel great affection toward the characters I brought to life, to the words I brought to the page. They will always be a part of me, a part of what makes me whole.

So yes... after more than two years, a dozen working titles, more than a few tears shed and greater than 120,000 words, I am done. And I am glad to be so.

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